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Trees in urban areas

Blue-green infrastructure is a key component of climate-resilient, healthy and socially equitable urban areas. Trees as ecosystems that contribute to heat reduction, rainwater management, air purification and urban ecology, thus boosting human health and well-being, are essential in this regard. This valuable contribution must be planned, implemented, maintained and preserved accordingly.

To this end, it is essential that the importance of trees is acknowledged and that they are taken care of by the general public.

The project focusses on the target-group-oriented sensitisation of children and adults to trees in urban areas. To achieve this, the project uses an info system consisting of child-friendly cartoon information boards, digital fact sheets for adults and worksheets for schools. The flexible information board system will be set up at various locations, for example at schools, in public spaces, near residential buildings or commercial infrastructures.

Find out more about Anne’s projects

picture: Anne Nyffeler