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Networks4Sustainability - made visible

18.00- 21.00 Uhr

Aula BFH, Brückenstrasse 73

Dieser Event ist vorbei.

In collaboration with the BENE student association and the ciné liminal and films4sustainability project groups, Students4Sustainability is organizing a major networking event for students from Bern's universities. Non-students are very welcome aswell.

Participants get to know each other over a delicious, sustainable apéro made by nasch-catering with products from new roots, outlawz and wildfoods.🌱🥕

We're watching the film “The Invisibles - modern slavery in Europe”, which impressively shows the everyday life of thousands of harvest workers in Huelva, Spain, which is characterized by exploitative working conditions, inhumane housing situations and inadequate medical care. 🍓🎬

Afterwards, we will discuss what we have seen with Nora Komposch, who is researching the topic at the University of Bern, and other representatives of Bern's universities. 💬💡

Be there!

Date: Friday, September 20, 2024

Time: 18.00 - 21.00

Location: Aula BFH, Brückenstrasse 73, 3005 Bern

Please register using the link below :)


Weitere Infos

Film Trailer



